These video clips are from our simulated competition, focusing on good approaches with ENERGY at the bar!
Video #1 - Good strong approach steps 1-6. Step 6 is on a 45 degree diagonal from the center of the bar - exactly what we want. Lean starts great on 7-8, but then that hop-step between 8-9 is very noticeable and brings you mostly OUT of the Lean. The pause-step may also be due to not running a circular J and needing to shorten your steps to place Step 10 (takeoff location) properly. Watch the video seveal times at normal speed and count along with your steps - you will definitley notice the pacing: 7-8 (pause) 9-10. You want to count as you run to FORCE that pause out of your approach and keep your energy build-up going all the way into the corssbar! Video #2 - The hesitation between 8-9 is even more pronounced in this approach. Main problem with this jump is you "release" the jump too much over into the pit, instead of straight up. Look at the last frame with your toe still on the ground and the first frame after you leave the ground - cursor back and forth between these two frames. See how this is not a vertical release? Your shoulders do not rise above your hips - THIS is why we do those scissor jumps! Video #3 - Less hesitation between 8-9 on this approach, more "above" in the takeoff and excellent use of your arms for lift make this a nice clearance at a challenging height - nicely done here! Video #4 - And here you can see how your 7-8-9-10 pacing is just blah - no building up energy as you arrive to the crossbar. Blah pacing = blah jump every time. We MUST pace-up and make it the habit every time! Video #5 - This one really illustrates the badness of the hesitation between 8-9. Watch at full-speed and notice that your un-lean occurs abruptly at step 8 so you are completely vertical in 9 and pitching right through the crossbar at 10 as you takeoff. No control of your jump because of the flaw in your approach - it is all tied together!!! Video #6 - A little better here with the approach pacing and better Energy at the bar as a result. More Lean at takeoff = a more vertical release of the jump here. This jump misses because of in-the-air stuff we haven't worked on yet - can't wait to get to THAT with you! |