Video #1 - Steps 8-9-10 are not as circular as I would like - we need to check and see if your 6 is too steep? Great arms back on 9 and BOTH coming through together and up for lift at 10 - VERY nice! A vertical release, but then right arm leads and chin goes onto your chest while still goin gup.
Video #2 - Very similar to #1. I think you may be quick stepping to get pacing to sound right, as opposed to actually increasing speed in your turn. Video #3 - All these jumps have the pop to clear the height. But I can see your face in EVERY fram of the video! That means your head is not getting back to arch like we want. You break the jump not even at the top, but while still traveling upward. Video #4 - Same thing - chin on chest. Video #5 - Better shape of the turn on this one. Release is not quite vertical, so maybe falling out of the turn a bit? Still see your face in every frame. Video #6 - Head is at least not looking to the side on this one - it's a start! Video #7 - More of the same - chin on chest. Video #8 - Similar again (boy I took a lot of videos of you!) Video #9 - THis is a good one to see things. A lot of POP and energy at the bar and a pretty good, vertical release. CHin is down while shoulders and hips are still rising. THis causes a stall and break well before your butt clears to crossbar. At least we know what to work on! |