Video #1 - Very nice circular "J" - beautiful! I think your arms in your run 1 thru 6 are leading out front a little bit which pulls your steps to long & low, insteady of "bouncy" like we like? We'll work on that. Also you go both arms forward at 7-ish then back together nicely in 8-9, but then your bar-side arm leads up & over the bar instead of a coordinated Finish. Your head is also ALL the way back before you leave the ground - so NOT "quick", but a long time on the ground on this one...

Video #2 - 8 into 9 has a bit of an un-lean here - see it? This jump you do get up nice & quick with a better release to vertical. Obvious "break" in the second frame where we see you're "falling" - so a clip of the backside of the bar.

Video #3 - This release is not so vertical. You can see that you come almost straight up between 9 and 10, so your "throw" at takeoff isn't the un-leaning throw deeper into the pit, but rather a throw down along the bar, landing close to the upright...

Video #4 - Leading turns your shoulders away a bit here, but a nice quick jump at takeoff. Much more relaxed break in the air - looks like you were talking in the air on this one! We have some good stuff to work on!