Video #1 - Good pacing build up. Good lean and attack in the turn. Just a little pre-turn in 9-10, not that bad on this jump; it is not slowing down your speed to the bar, but you can see your shoulders pointing away from the pit and both arms are away from the bar as they start their drive up... (Framing jumps!) Great arm lift + a stroung, through knee drive - I can see your "Big 3" at work here! Look at the "release" of this jump (see the "What to Look for" #5) - not quite as above as we'd like. You achieve your full arch position right at takeoff and then hold it through your entire up-flight. We will work on this for you! Video #2 - So this is 4-8 I think and you can see at the peak of the jump when you're still arched that you're 4-6 inches above it - great! You "break" your arch early (instinct) which causes a brush of the bar. We will work on that too - how to hold arch. I'm seeing on video that your approach and energy are very strong and you will benefit most from working on some of the in-air components of your HJ. Video #3 - Very good clearance on 4-8 - solid jump. Held the arch longer here... Video #4 - 4-10 attempt; Pacing is just a little weak in 1-6 for this height. Main issue is that you try to make it by arching super hard. You are in full, hard arch very quickly after you leave the ground. Need to allow "rise time" at higher heights... Video #5 - Good run at 4-10. You are able to get your back 2 inches over, despite losing a little speed with a pre-turn 9-10. You break your arch right at the top, straight down onto the crossbar. Strong attempt though! I am excited for your potential to improve! |