Video #1 - First thing I notice is that pacing seems s-l-o-w. Maybe still
getting used to NOT looking at the ground? We do also want to start working
on LEAN, which you will need as you run faster - see how you're standing almost
completely straight up at steps 9 & 10? Look at last frame with plant-foot toe
still on the ground - is that the Finish position you want?
Video #2 - OK - much better speed here! See how you're shoulders are not "above" (your hips) and you see-saw over? We need to work on this more and do more scissor jumps :-) Video #3 - Poor camera work on my part, but I can see how your shoulders are pointed out away from the landing pit at step 10. You want to be facing straight at the farther upright, not "pre-turned" to go over on your back... Video #4 - This jump looks pretty good in the air, and shows a LOT of promise! You are pretty comfortable letting your shoulders get below your hips while still holding your arch, and landing very high on your back & neck. This is a VERY good thing and will come in handy when you get to the higher heights! Video #5 - Approach looks a little soft... and then... Oh, thank goodness :-) Video #6 - Two things I notice ar where your plant-foot toe is facing (away from the bar) and your "T-Rex" arms - I'll explain that one! Not a bad attempt at a higher height though... |