Video #1 - So pacing of 7-8-9-10 here is "lethargic" to me. I know you did a LOT better at really attacking the bar at the end of this practice, so I am looking at this video as the "old Alex" already. Looking at last frame of video with plant foot toe still on the ground, then forward cursor one frame to see first frame with that toe off the ground, you see your release angle is pretty good and vertical for a brand new jumper! Most impressive to me is you are patient and allow yourself "rise time" to float up to the peak of the jump - this is EXCELLENT! Many new jumpers are too quick to get over to the safety of the landing put so they jump sideways toward it instead of rising to the top of the jump. Good proactive knee kick to finish the jump gives you many inches of clearance all the way around the bar on this well-centered jump!

Video #2 - This clip starts on step 9 so hard to judge pacing (my bad). Another solid takeoff with knee through and a nice perpendicular crossing. Patience & clearance aren't quite as good on this one, and I see a little undesireable pre-turn entering the plant at step 10, with the plant foot parallel to the crossbar instead of the plant foot toe pointing at the farther upright, and your shoulders turned just slightly away from the landing pit...

Video #3 - OK again the lethergic pacing which we KNOW was completely changed by the end of this practice with you really attacking and clearing 4-8 on a 4-step. Your first clip in this series is the best; study it and also look at a few of Jesse's recent clips.