Video #1 - Standing up nice & tall throughout your appraoch, no lean forward = good! A little pause step between 7-8 and 9-10 that we can get rid of with more assertive counting. Using the cursor keys to go back & forth between the last frame with your plant foot toe still on the ground and the first frame with your toe off the ground - we see a nice, pretty vertical release and "Above" for this jump. Your approach and takeoff are looking really solid! In the air, we see you begin to arch as you rise, but then you "break" your arch with a stomach crunch motion immediately once we see your shoulders and torso start to fall. This is the "falling reflex" we need to work to overcome! The instinct is to have our less valuable part (rear) break our fall instead of our valuable head - and look what hits the landing mat first here!

Video #2 - Love the pacing of your first 6 steps, but cannot pace up from there in 7-8-9-10. Nice big arms at takeoff, but really too quick into the Arch and some "tipping" at takeoff - Remind me to explain "tipping" and what we do to avoid it!!!

Video #3 - You make this one with Pacing and the energy you bring to the bar under good control and with terrific Lean in 7-8-9. Could be more Above, and again some tipping to correct at takeoff... Better holding your Arch to a slightly later break, and now look how you're landing compared to the first clip.

Video #4 - Great Above - shoulders above hips at takeoff, but not enough Lean in 9-10 so the whole jump just pushes through the crossbar - like the car skidding on the ice. You see that you strike the crossbar while still rising and the peak of this jump is well BEHIND the crossbar. Lean in the turn helps control your release to vertical and pull the apex of your jump to be centered over the bar...

Video #5 - Much better "Lean to Release" and a nice powerfull jump. Your parabola is more centered over the crossbar and it is the quick-break falling-reflex that causes this to be a miss. Again the "tipping" is causing you to be at full Arch quicker than we'd like...

Video #6 - Wow - nearly perfect Above (wish some of my girls could do that!) - but chin fully back as soon as you leave the ground. We need to A) not tip, and B) create rise time by saying and DOING the "half-Arch" dimmer switch onset of your arch. Repititions and a healthy back will get you to control this in-air mechanics more easily - we will keep working on it!