These 4-steps are from our "low 9, tap 10" drill. The goal is to focus on low Center of Gravity (CG) in 9, so your CG is already rising into 10. As a result we should be able to get a quicker "tap" on 10 as we just redirect that already-upward CG mementum to the vertical release...

Video #1 - Looking at your CG (shirt/shorts line) we want to see it lower on 9 than 10. Go frame-by-frame and use the line between the blue mats and the gray mat cover as a reference line. The frames where you are "in" step 9 (where you are just before and at the upright, and 10 has not hit the ground yet) you can see your CG line is definitely well BELOW the blue/gray line on the mat. A couple frames later as 10 hits the ground you can see your CG is still below the blue/gray line, but then comes up a LOT ass you begin to release the jump. We want to go from the low in 9 we see, up diagonally to the higher in 10 we see, not so much across horizontal and THEN up like in this video...

Video #2 - You do real well at getting low in 9 here, but again your CG is coming more flat across into 10 and not noticeably up between 9 and 10 as we would prefer. This is an advanced skill and NOT so easy to make happen!

Video #3 - O.K. - This is the Money! Best one of the day for either girl! CG coming up noticeably from 9 to 10, and then the quick tap and redirect of your momentum to a terrific vertical release. If you run the video at normal speed and just focus on your yellow/black shirt/tights line, you can even see the rising CG at normal speed :-)

Look at Annie's videos from this drill also!