Video #1 - GREAT Lean in steps 7-8 of your approach, but un-leaning a little early in 9-10. The cones guiding the turn sure help with
your lean. OK release - lead arm is at 45 degrees from vertical when your foot leaves the ground. Good rise & height, but the early BREAK
of your arch causes the bar strike. MUCH of your problem is the "falling reflex" which we need to conquer for higher heights!
Video #2 - Even better Lean & Release on this jump! You rise to plus 6 inches with good arch, but again the falling-reflex BREAK of your arch drops your backside onto the bar... Video #3 - 8-9-10 are on more of a straight line on this one, so Lean is gone by the time 10 hits the ground. You still control this release to vertical and into a NICE arch! Problem is clearer with each jump - it is in-air kick delay timing we need to work on!!! Video #4 - Another very HIGH jump with a pretty good release to vertical - your peak is not too far behind the crossbar here. Video #5 - More of the same - you're very consistent! Another pretty darn good, high jump - with break-timing causing the miss! |